Not performing well in the gym? Well, I will go straight to the point and give you six reasons why your energy level feels low whenever you try to curl those dumbbells.
Motivation is an essential element in the dynamics of fitness. It ensures you stick to your goal and achieve whatever you set your mind to. When you lose that motivation, it is easy to derail and revert back to your unhealthy habits and lifestyle. An easy fix to that is to remember why you started working out in the first place. That didn’t help? Another way to regain that motivation is to listen to or watch motivational contents.
Your body tells you when something is not right. If you have developed an illness, you would know, therefore, this is self explanatory. Please go see your doctor or medical practitioner and get much needed rest.
The food you consume plays a crucial role in your body’s overall functionality. If you are not eating balanced meals that are rich in essential macros and micros, you will not have sufficient energy to power through the workout. Energy from food is expressed as calories, so make sure you are ingesting the right amount of calories daily, to provide you with the much needed energy.
If you are reading this right now, do yourself a favor and go drink some water because you are probably dehydrated. As you become dehydrated, your blood pressure drops , thus leading to a poor circulation and flow of blood to your brain and other organs. Also, your performance will be greatly reduced due to dehydration because the cells in your muscles are not getting sufficient flow of nutrients and fluids (DripDrop, n.d.). Here’s an easy fix. Drink lots of water whenever you feel thirsty.
If you sleep late all the time, you are more likely to feel fatigued throughout the day. Sleep is an essential element that is mostly ignored or neglected. Try to get enough sleep (7-9 hours of sleep) so that your day will be brighter and you will feel more energized to workout. Remember, good sleep will also help prevent you from getting sick, so its a win-win situation.
Recommended number of sleep for each age group (Pacheco, 2021)
Stress is a slow killer. It slowly kills your energy physically, mentally and emotionally. You can deal with stress in your life by walking away from what is physically causing it, taking mental breaks, meditating, going for a walk and taking needed naps. These practices will help you declutter and enjoy your fitness journey.
Therefore ladies and gentleman, those are some of the reasons why your energy level feels depleted each time you try to workout. Once you figure out what is causing you to feel tired or fatigued and you get that solved, watch and perform the dance workout below with me. Its a fun way to get you started and ensure you do not lose the workout motivation. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for reading.
DripDrop. (n.d.). How to stop feeling tired: How dehydration can cause fatigue. Retrieved from
Pacheco, D. (2021), Why do we need sleep. Sleep Foundation. Retrieved from