Majority of people want to have a flat tummy and get 6-pack abs, but when they realize how difficult it can be to get it, they back out “when the going gets tough” or even before they get started. If you are going to back out at some point, then you are definitely never getting the 6-pack abs, and this article, is not for you. If you are willing to put in the work to grow your abdominal muscles and reveal the 6-packs, then grab a mat and perform the following exercises at your leisure time. Let’s get started!


Begin this exercise by getting down on the mat with your elbows touching the ground. Make sure your elbows are parallel to your shoulders. Also, tilt your pelvis forward to contract your abdominal muscles. It is important that your abs and glutes are being squeezed or “flexed”. While squeezing the applicable muscles, push your shoulder plates forward to reduce tension on your shoulder joints. The last box to check is to ensure your plank forms a fairly straight line from your heels to your head. Now that your plank form is solid, perform this exercise this for at least 1 minute and rest for a minute per set. Perform 2-3 sets of this exercise.


Begin this exercise by laying on the mat with your knees bent or your heels brought towards your butt, so that it forms an upside-down V shape”. Next step is to place your thumb, index and middle finger of both hands on both sides of your head (close to your ears). Now, exhale and lift your upper back away from the ground or raise your torso. Hold for 1-2 seconds, then gradually place your upper back on the ground again as you inhale. Naturally, your abs will contract and retract when you lift your torso. Ensure you breathe out as you lift your torso (or contract your abs) and breathe in as you lay it back down on the ground (retract your abs). Perform this exercise for as long as you can (aim for at least 10 reps) for 2-3 sets, then rest for a minute, per set.


Lay flat on your mat with your feet touching each other and your arms close to your body as possible. Begin this exercise by lifting your legs off the ground, while keeping it straight. Bring your legs towards your torso as you exhale, so that your legs forms a 90 degree angle. When your legs are up, your butt will naturally be off the ground as well. Now, slowly lower your legs as you inhale, until your legs are barely off the ground, and then, raise them back up again. Do this step repeatedly until your abs get fatigued. Aim for at least 10 reps of 2-3 sets, then rest for a minute in-between sets.


The initial steps of this exercise is similar to the crunches. Begin this exercise by laying on the mat with your legs extended on the ground. Next step is to place your thumb, index and middle finger of both hands on both sides of your head (close to your ears). After that, lift both legs off the ground and raise them up. Now, bend both knees so that the lower part of your legs (knee to toe) is parallel to the ground. Next step is to bring your left elbow towards your right knee, by raising your upper body. As you do this step, extend or straighten your left leg. It is like riding a bicycle, hence the name. Perform these steps simultaneously for your right elbow and left knee. Remember that as you do that, you should extend your right leg. Also, keep in mind that you should always exhale as you contract your abs and inhale as you retract them. Do this exercise repeatedly for as long as you can (aim for at least 10 reps – one cycle counts as a rep) for 2-3 sets. Ensure to rest enough (1 minute) in-between sets.


Also similar to the crunches, begin this exercise by laying on the mat with your knees bent or your heels brought towards your butt, so that it forms an upside-down V shape”. Ensure your feet are spaced apart from each other by a foot or two, and note that the farther your heels are from your butt, the harder the exercise will be. Then, fully extend your arms on both sides of your body and place them on the ground. Now lift your upper back from the ground and as you exhale, use your right hand to touch your right heel (if possible). Pause for a second or two, and then as you inhale, return your upper body to a straight position. Do the same steps for the left side by touching your left heel with your left hand. Perform these steps repeatedly while keeping your upper back away from the ground. Do this exercise for at least 10 reps as usual (left and right tap is equal to a rep) for 2-3 sets. Rest for a minute per set.

I hope you give this workout a try and ensure you are eating the right foods to properly grow and reveal those abdominal muscles. My advice to you is to be patient and be consistent with your workout routine. Another tip for you would be to perform you ab exercises with other exercises for other muscle groups (for example, chest, biceps, quads, e.t.c). Anyway, if you are not a beginner with zero fitness experience and you have been working out for a long time (more than 5 months) and are not seeing results yet, click the video below to find out some possible reasons why your abs and/or other muscle groups are not growing. 

Thanks for reading.