Are you a beginner and have never worked out before? Or have you worked out before or previously in your lifetime? Anyway, I bet you’re excited to start working out now. I suppose you’ve been thinking about working out or going to the gym for a while and now you feel ready, don’t you?! (Don’t answer that, it’s a rhetorical question). Well, before you get into your car or catch the next bus to hit the gym, there are three important things that you absolutely NEED to do before you begin your fitness journey.


This is the most important thing that you need to do before you pick up that dumbbell. As a beginner, the first few days or weeks of working out will be fun and amazing. A few months later, you might begin to see some progress but with time, you will hit a point where it feels like you aren’t progressing anymore. At this point, you would need some motivation to be able to carry-on further with the workout, and without this motivation, you would most likely quit. 

Well ladies and gentlemen, once you figure out your why, it will serve as the motivation that you will need when you get to that point where you feel like you want to quit. Ask yourself why you really want to workout and get a deeper answer to that. For instance, “because I want to look good in the beach” is a common reason for almost everyone that works out. 

You’d have to dig deeper and find the real reason that is meaningful enough to you to keep your head on the goal during dark times. For me, my “why” was that I did not like the way I looked when I was younger and it always made me unhappy. Also, I wanted to feel a lot more confident in my self and improve my self-esteem. 


I like to say, “expect the unexpected” because unexpected events or obstacles beyond our control happen which might hinder your progress. Although these obstacles are unexpected or unpredictable, there are some visible obstacles in your life that will make it difficult for you to reach your fitness goal.

Before you start working out, you need to rule out those obstacles and deal with them. For example, it could be the kind of friends that you hang out with. If your friends party and drink a lot, and you find yourself getting drunk every time you hang out with them, you need to figure out what is more important to you, your friends or your goal? Make the right choice.


What is your goal? Is it long term? If you are not sure if your goal is long term, let me help you figure that out. Are you hitting the gym because you want to impress someone? Are you working out because you want to get bigger glutes for the summer, you know, that “beach bod”? Well, if that’s your goal, well it is definitely not long term.

Having a long term goal is essential because …, you guessed it, it will help motivate you to continue to live a healthier lifestyle. Even if you’ve gotten that aesthetic look that you have always dreamed off, long term goals will prevent you from sliding back to your previous lifestyle. You must be wondering what is an example of a long term goal? Honestly it’s a no-brainer. A healthy lifestyle is the long-term goal 🙂

Working out and living a healthier lifestyle should not be difficult. With this knowledge, I hope you will put it to good use and implement it before you start working out. Before you leave, watch the video below for more information and tips on what to do before you start working out.

Thanks for reading.


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